The phrase "putting by" often conjures thoughts of canning and cold storage, thoughts of days gone by. For this little chapter, "putting by" also implies preparing for the weeks ahead, for my family.
As many of you know, we've recently relocated our farm and had a new baby. The to-do list is likely as long as the list of transitions that we've all gone through. While progress feels slow, we inch away at carving out a new home and settling into a new groove by the hour.
Our oldest recently started school outside the home and I grew some new parenting muscles as I prepared lunch and snack and packed a bookbag for a teacher who didn't regularly dine at our dinner table. Some days I feel a bit like an imposter when I say we homeschool; some days I feel a bit like an imposter when I say my child attends school outside the home. We are they hybrid. We are the in-between and while it may not always work this way, this way works well for our tribe.
Now, the husband has a metabolism like a rapid rail. The man needs fuel. I haven't been the very best wife in all of the recent transitions, so I set about preparing a stock of breakfasts for the gentleman of the house to get him off to the right start each day. Putting by a little morning grub for the hub:
The theme was breakfast burrito, but I forgot to add good cheese to the shopping list, so please forgive the lame cheddar in the photos attached. He doesn't mind Kraft, but I'm sure you know I'd rather add something with a bit more pizazz!
We started with loads of sausage and farm fresh eggs. Next diced fresh peppers from my mom's garden, added some diced onions, cheese, and topped with salsa. I wrapped the goodies in freezer paper and added a little note to the top for the sake of love.
Love is worth the extra efforts. Lord knows, with kids under toe, a new homestead, and the school year in motion, there isn't a great deal of standing around chatting. A quick note to hubs, as he starts his day, is just a little way to shower my partner with love.
What are your favorite burrito components?
How do you sprinkle a little love in your day?
I'd *love* to hear!
As many of you know, we've recently relocated our farm and had a new baby. The to-do list is likely as long as the list of transitions that we've all gone through. While progress feels slow, we inch away at carving out a new home and settling into a new groove by the hour.
Our oldest recently started school outside the home and I grew some new parenting muscles as I prepared lunch and snack and packed a bookbag for a teacher who didn't regularly dine at our dinner table. Some days I feel a bit like an imposter when I say we homeschool; some days I feel a bit like an imposter when I say my child attends school outside the home. We are they hybrid. We are the in-between and while it may not always work this way, this way works well for our tribe.
Now, the husband has a metabolism like a rapid rail. The man needs fuel. I haven't been the very best wife in all of the recent transitions, so I set about preparing a stock of breakfasts for the gentleman of the house to get him off to the right start each day. Putting by a little morning grub for the hub:
The theme was breakfast burrito, but I forgot to add good cheese to the shopping list, so please forgive the lame cheddar in the photos attached. He doesn't mind Kraft, but I'm sure you know I'd rather add something with a bit more pizazz!
We started with loads of sausage and farm fresh eggs. Next diced fresh peppers from my mom's garden, added some diced onions, cheese, and topped with salsa. I wrapped the goodies in freezer paper and added a little note to the top for the sake of love.
Love is worth the extra efforts. Lord knows, with kids under toe, a new homestead, and the school year in motion, there isn't a great deal of standing around chatting. A quick note to hubs, as he starts his day, is just a little way to shower my partner with love.
What are your favorite burrito components?
How do you sprinkle a little love in your day?
I'd *love* to hear!