Dry hopping is all the rage right now. From the Barth Report cover page, to the breweries of LoDo, we hear the song of the dry hop praise.
To this, ladies and gentlemen, we pass along a phrase coined by proprietor, Ted Schneider... "W.H.I.B." "Wet Hops In Beer" How does one WHIB?
The fresh hoppy goodness is placed in the stein of any brew you choose. The lupulin is permitted a blessed time frame of a few minutes to work its lovely sensation on your beverage. You will know you have waited long enough when any beer, yes, ANY beer has taken on a special, delicious hoppy effervescence.
Draw the beverage to your lips and taste a wonder, if ever there was one.
WHIB, WHIB it real good.
You don't have to to take our word for it...
A bit on wet hopping:
A bit on dry hopping:
Are you looking for fresh or dry hops to add to your establishment this year? Please contact us at scheidershophaus@gmail.com Subject: WHIB if you would like to discuss adding local organic hops to your bar, brewery or backyard in 2015.
What else can you do with hops?
Wet hop or dry hopping your beer can be a fun way to add a punch to a standard brew. Just as in a good WHIB ^^^^^^^^ as discussed above, dry hopping can add a punch with dried hops.
Dried hops can be handy as they are preserved for a longer duration than fresh hops. Try both the wet hop, or the dry hop and see which you prefer!