This morning I spent some time, just me, my eggs and coffee, the singing birds, and The Word. Self care looks different for everyone, but an ounce of quiet is soothing to my maternal chapter. I read again the tale of Jesus feeding the crowd of five thousand men. We don't know how many women and children were there, but the total sounds something like the number that is gathered at my family reunions. :) I find it hard, to make sure to save space for my care and well being. It doesn't take long. Maybe fifteen minutes in the word. Maybe an hour at the gym. Maybe a dinner with my friend. It is so hard for me to say "I have time for that". I can say it is my family, my children, or my husband, but that is me allowing myself to come last. Whether it is regular teeth cleanings or a cup-topping visit with a soul sister, I need to take care of myself, I need to be honest about what works for me, if I am to take care of my family in the very best way. Today, before I head o...
We are remarkably planted in the space of testing and reestablishing. Over and over again. I suppose some of that is brought upon ourselves. We haven't left ourselves planted for any duration. Still, part of it comes with the chapter of growing a marriage relationship and growing as parents and children. While I'm sometimes a bit of Mary Poppins, I'm equally as loud and frazzled as the Christmas Story Mom. Most often, I find that I'm tired and not doing anything as well as I'd like. In this phase of tousled curls, nursing babies, testing boundaries, and navigating through marriage, I have to trust that the Lord will keep us. There is no way that I can "fill all the spaces". As a part time homeschool mom, the season of summer isn't really all that different from our other seasons. We still soak up the world around us, seek culture and knowledge, we still study and snuggle, we still make music and art as often as possible. Our explorations require less ...