I rest this evening and listen to the rumblings of autumn winds just outside. If I quiet my mind and close my eyes, I can almost return to the Rocky Mountains and a time when I felt more free than I appreciated, but less of the woman I am today. It's amazing how service can render one more free than the ideological paths our hearts sometimes chase. I think most Veterans would agree that our time in the service was free because of the structure, the purpose, and the trust we had with our comrades. While I'll not say I feel sorry for those who did not take an oath of service to the country, I will say that I would hope everyone could experience an environment of peers where they felt equally assured. Autumn breezes always bring to mind my years in the Air Force Reserves and Air National Guard. It was in autumn that I first chose to enlist -- just after a few tall towers were erased from the skyline. It was in autumn that I first departed US soil for lands untold. It was in ...

A family farm specializing in the growth of sustainably raised produce, poultry, sheep, honey, herbs, florals and hops. Located in Akron, Ohio. Getting back to the old ways of life. Chaperoned by Great Grandpa, guided by the good Lord, embracing the seasons. Check out our sister organization, Rank and Row, for information on Veterans and First Responders in Agricultre.