I've been asked exactly three times in the last week,"Now tell me, how do you make your applesauce?" I'm no applesauce queen, but I tend to make a batch every year and the jars tend to diappear rather quickly. If you are taking a leap into applesauce this year and you want to hear just how *simple* the process can be, join me... We gathered apples from our own orchard this year, which was a huge treat! With three little nuggets running around, I was a pinch concerned about how many apples would actually be gathered at our annual apple picking and how many apples would be snacked on. Moms, you know what I'm talking about 2.5 bites in, "I wanted a red one, not a green one"... "can I pick another"... or the sly older kids simply drop their half-eaten treat on the ground to see how many bees will come calling. Cool temps and apple trees right outside our front door are a gift from the heavens!!! We filled a garden cart with apples on Mond...

A family farm specializing in the growth of sustainably raised produce, poultry, sheep, honey, herbs, florals and hops. Located in Akron, Ohio. Getting back to the old ways of life. Chaperoned by Great Grandpa, guided by the good Lord, embracing the seasons. Check out our sister organization, Rank and Row, for information on Veterans and First Responders in Agricultre.