It is the middle of May and it has been snowing all day. We can see our breath when we step outside and flakes are zipping in a horizontal line across our kitchen window. We've decided to make the most of our farming pause. Our first CSA baskets of the season brought something unique to the tables of our members --- hop shoots! Hop shoots are quite a peculiar addition to the dinner table. Allegedly the most expensive vegetable out there, I'll be the first to admit that hop shoots take some tweaking in the kitchen. The accepted wisdom among hop growers says, "cook them just as you would asparagus"... we've only prepared them for a single dinner, each of the last two springs. Far from experts, we've resorted to culinary wisdom on the world wide web. We're still left with more questions than answers. Today that stops. Today we're exploring the applications for hop shoots and leaves in the Hop Haus kitchen. Care to join us? I'm no Julia Child, so st...

A family farm specializing in the growth of sustainably raised produce, poultry, sheep, honey, herbs, florals and hops. Located in Akron, Ohio. Getting back to the old ways of life. Chaperoned by Great Grandpa, guided by the good Lord, embracing the seasons. Check out our sister organization, Rank and Row, for information on Veterans and First Responders in Agricultre.