Just a few weeks back, Ted and I (Jess) took a few minutes to reflect upon all that has changed in the hop growing game since we started. In just three short years, the dynamic has shifted a great deal! When we began, suppliers were hard to find, rhizomes were sold out within a week, and Spring was full of yard expansion, soil preparation, pole installation, and more! Now, growers have wised up to the prospect of plugs. Plants are available year round for leisurely yard expansions, and suppliers are plentiful. When we began, there were no hop processing facilities in the STATE. Now, several growers have shouldered the mission of processing the Ohio's hop harvest! Since we started growing hops in 2013, the craft beer craze has grown in Ohio and across the country. With 2015 as our the first year for a potential full harvest, we were lucky to have struck at the right moment to take advantage of this growing trend. Small Farm Central, who runs the Farm Marketing Minute blog, asked u...

A family farm specializing in the growth of sustainably raised produce, poultry, sheep, honey, herbs, florals and hops. Located in Akron, Ohio. Getting back to the old ways of life. Chaperoned by Great Grandpa, guided by the good Lord, embracing the seasons. Check out our sister organization, Rank and Row, for information on Veterans and First Responders in Agricultre.